100 demonic C∀Ts roam the streets of Ether. They are unpredictable, cute, naughty, nightmarish, and all of them are PURR ΞVIL. Can you tame them? 95 Common 5 Conjurers (their owners get advantage in raffles/drops) Phase 1:100 hand drawn C∀Ts spawn one by one Phase 2 : After all C∀Ts are tamed, the breeding season begins. Owners of multiple C∀Ts will be airdropped a nightmarish offspring - horROAR Phase 3: A collection of randomly generated C∀Ts to invade the Earth Realm. Owners of the core C∀Ts will enjoy an airdrop. Randomly generated C∀Ts: PURR EVIL Artifacts and collabs: PURR EVIL LAB